A cover letter is not the first thing people think about when they’re out to get a job. Resume probably, but not a cover letter. Writing such a letter is time-consuming and can be a really demanding task for someone who has not written one before. It takes many iterations to get to the most suitable final version just for one job. Then the process is repeated for other jobs you apply.

A good resume is one that is concise and relevant, and grabs the reader’s attention. On the other hand, a cover letter introduces the applicant to the prospective employer. Like an appetizer, the letter “leads” the employer into reading your professionally prepared resume. These days, with so many people looking for jobs, employers have to go through more resumes than ever before when deciding which applicant to invite for an interview. Accompanying your resume with a well prepared letter can help make your application stand out amongst those of the many other applicants.

If the employer sees enough of what they like in your cover letter, chances are they are more likely to pay more attention to the details in your professionally written resume. So the structure and the details that you put in the letter is of paramount importance to make sure it is clear to the employer what type of worker you are. Other information employers are likely to look for include whether you are a team player or what your aspirations are etc.

But don’t go on and on about you. The cover letter is just that, a cover letter. You only want to bring the most vital pieces of information to your employer. Following that, a well written letter will also ask the employer to formally invite you for an interview. Don’t be shy about requesting to be interviewed. By offering your availability for interview saves employers time in having to ring you. They could provisionally arrange an interview at a time you have already indicated to be suitable.

A successful cover letter and resume is one that stands out with professionalism amongst the rest and successfully landed you with an interview. Presenting yourself in the best light at the interview is the next step you need to master to get a job of your dreams. If you have been invited for an interview, make sure you get clued up on interview techniques and know how best to present yourself on the day.

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