Lifeguard equipment is of great importance. A guard who is ill-equipped will most definitely find it very hard to conduct timely rescues even in situations that could be a matter of life and death. It therefore makes it very important to have all the necessary tools of the trade to make the duties easy and effective to execute. One of the items every lifeguard needs to have is a ring buoy. They are usually donut shaped floats in white or international orange and are considered lifesavers because of how handy they come in risky situations. Every lifeguard needs a high quality ring buoy essentially because of the following reasons.

  • They can reach places that can be hard for the lifeguard to reach bare-bodied. This makes it possible for the distressed, but the conscious victim to be rescued without even the guard reaching for them in person
  • They offer an easy time to make a rescue even when the lifeguard is a great distance away from the victim. This is thanks to the throw line most of the rings come with or the lines can also be bought separately to accessorize a buoy making it more effective in rescue missions. This can be very important since the safety of the victim is assured before the guard can get to them.
  • Most are made with resilient soft materials making them most suitable for the settings. They have a closed cell of solid foam making them durable. With a high quality one, a lifeguard can enjoy all the benefits for a long period of time.
  • The materials they are made from are made to withstand the extreme temperatures and weather conditions of the setting. Hence, they do not accumulate mildew and neither do they rot. They are perfect for watery outdoor settings.
  • They come in different sizes, making it possible for the lifeguards to choose the best for rescuing both children and adults
  • With the line well attached, they make the duties of a lifeguard easier since they only need to be thrown to the victim and pulled to safety once the victim holds on to it securely. They are designed to save time in tricky, but dangerous situations

Choosing the Best

The market has different options when it comes to ring buoys. When looking for the best, consider the materials they are made up of. The material can determine if the ring is lightweight but durable at the same time. Lightweight is important because you want to be able to throw the ring properly and nearest to the swimmer when the need arises.

The size should also be considered. It can be helpful to have one size suitable for children and another one that can accommodate adults. With careful selection, you should find a size that can work both ways.

The throw line is also important to consider since it will determine how easy it is to pull the buoy with the victim on it. It should be strong enough and comfortable for the hands to avoid injuries during the mission.

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