Water heaters are essential to modern-day life. That’s why when it’s time
to equip your new house, or repair your old one you need to make sure that
you get a unit that caters to all of your needs. You should consider the
cost, efficiency, and lifespan of your new water heater. On top of that,
you have to decide on whether you want to install a tankless or a storage
water heater.
Here’s a comparison of the two systems to help you decide what’s best for
What a Tankless Heater is and How it Works
Tankless heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, provide hot
water as it is needed. They generate hot water by making the cold water
flow through a heating element (gas burner or a coil pipe). So, whenever a
hot water source is turned on, the cold water flows through the heating
element, and it heated instantaneously by either gas or electricity. When
the hot water tap is turned off, the cold water ceases to flow through the
heating element, and the hot water stops flowing. They are usually powered
with electricity or gas.
How a Storage tank Water Heater Works
Storage tank water heaters are found in most houses. They have an insulated
tank where 30-50 gallons of water are heat and store until they are needed.
A pipe placed on the top of the tank delivers the hot water to bathroom,
kitchen, or other sinks. They are powered by natural gas or electricity.
The ones fueled by natural gas use almost 50% less energy than the electric
types. However, they cost a bit more than electric models and they feature
a temperature and pressure-release valve that opens when either temperature
or pressure exceeds the preset levels.
Storage vs Tankless Water Heaters
Because of the functional differences between storage tank and tankless
systems, there are pros and cons of using each one.
Tankless Water Heater Pros
- Save you money overtime.
· Homeowners who use 41 gallons or less of hot water daily, will benefit
more from tankless unit. Given that tankless water Systems don’t have to
heat and maintain the temperature of a large tank of water, energy usage
and thus energy costs are lower.
· Have an extended lifespan of 20 to 30 years. However, if you live in a
place with hard water, their lifespan will be reduced.
· Don’t consume space. If you don’t have space, they can be installed on
outside walls.
· They can deliver two to three gallons of hot water per minute, which
means that you’ll have almost instant hot water any time you turn on the
Tankless Water Heaters Cons
- Higher purchase cost than a storage tank.
· If your previous water heater was a storage tank, then the installation
cost will highly increase.
· Taking a shower while doing laundry at the same time can cause your
tankless unit to fail to keep up with the hot water demand on it.
Storage Tank Water Heaters Pros
- Significantly lower initial cost.
- Low cost of maintenance and repairs.
· Taking a shower while doing laundry, or any other activity that requires
hot water is possible because it is already stored and it can flow to
wherever it’s needed.
Storage Tank Water Heaters Cons
· They produce somewhat more expensive bills. Especially during winter
months because they have to work harder.
- They occupy more space,
- Need to be replaced more frequently than tankless one.
· Their lifespan is only of 10-12 years, which is significantly lower than
tankless one.
Is a storage tank or a tankless water System right for me?
The best person to help you decide what’s the best water heater for you is
a professional and experienced plumber. However, here are some tips that
can help you know what type of heater you should get.
- You should get a tankless water heater if…
ü Energy saving is your priority.
ü You use less than 40-50 gallons of hot water per day.
ü Long time saving is your priority
- You should get a storage tank heater if…
ü You are short on cash.
ü You use more than 40-50 gallons of hot water per day.
Still Not Sure Which Type Is Best For Your Home?
Give a call to Professional Plumbers in Denver at 720 390 2652. We are a
bonded, licensed, and insured plumbing company that offers affordable and
quality services to the Denver metropolitan area.