A Call to Action is often used in a variety of industries to increase sales. It’s a powerful advertising method that can help motivate your customers to purchase from you sooner rather than later as well as keep them purchasing from you in the future. A call to Action usually conveys a sense of urgency to the customer; this makes them feel like they have to take advantage of your offers now, before it’s too late. A Call to Action is all about creating powerful advertising in text form, appealing to the customer through psychology. It’s easy and simple to add a Call of Action to your Pizza Menu.

For example, your current pizza menu says “Free tomato garlic bread on all orders over $20.” To turn this into a Call of Action you need to spice it up a little. Make sure people know that this offer is not going to last, it’s special and urgently needs you to take advantage of it now while you still can. Your pizza menu now says “Special one time introductory offer with this Menu! Free tomato garlic bread on all orders over $20. Get them while their hot!” Now the customer will see that and think more about how they would actually really like free garlic bread, and they only have to spend $20 on their order to get it. They should get it now before it’s too late.

There are lots of different ways you can turn your menu flyers into one or more Call to Actions. If you have a special offer available, give it a deadline so that customers feel they need to urgently take action before it ends. Or like the example above, you can offer a freebie for a limited amount of time. A sense of urgency is the most popular method of implementing a Call to Action.

Don’t just put your prices up in line with other pizza restaurants. Give your customers notice beforehand that prices will be going up on a certain date to accommodate for costs and other businesses. That way, customers will want to enjoy your business as much as possible while it’s still really cheap compared to everyone else.

If you want a more stable marketing plan that is still based on urgency, you can offer a free gift to a certain number of people. That way you can be sure that you won’t give away too many free pizzas or garlic bread’s than you can afford and people will still try to order as quickly and as much as possible to get the freebie. You can also work out a permanent freebie that still provides you a profit so you are comfortable with long term use of the gimmick.

Finally, make sure you include key action phrases in your pizza menu design. These are especially effective if placed on the front cover of your flyer design alongside your special offers, freebies and discounts. These can be things like “Call Now”, “Get it now!” and “Don’t Miss Out!”.

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