Most of us are familiar with the expression, “Drink the Kool-Aid.” This is in reference to Jim Jones and Jonestown where he was the leader of an underground religious group called the People’s Temple. It was a cult where he got his members to drink Kool-Aid (actually, it was Flavor Aid) laced with cyanide and the members of his group died from poisoning.

While certainly what happened at Jonestown is no laughing matter, many people think that penis enlargement is some sort of magical-male cult that men join to enlarge their penises. You know the sort, secret handshakes and sacrificing chickens and these sorts of things. This is hardly the case. Most men who are interested and are enlarging their penises are doing so on their own, in the privacy of their own homes, and on their own time period. There is nothing cultish or ceremonial about it.

As penis enlargement is something that any man can perform on his own, how he so desires, it hardly makes it part of some weird tribal ceremony. The fact is that most men only want to enlarge their penis. They don’t want to join a club or group to enlarge themselves together. It is a very personal and private experience for them.

So if you are discouraged by enlargement techniques because you feel you may have to join some special club, fraternity, or group… Don’t worry about it. Put your mind at ease and forget about the Kool-Aid. Creating a bigger penis is a solo journey. You can have help and guidance along the way; in fact it’s recommended. But, truly, the enlargement experience is one most men discover and explore on their own.

To start such a journey you will need a map. This map should give you basic knowledge of where you are headed and how you’re going to get there. After all, if you don’t know where you are headed, how can you possibly expect to arrive at your unknown destination?

The best map we have found is the Natural Penis Enlargement “Map.” This map lays out simple exercises that a man can do safely on his own to help encourage his penis to grow in size. Not just in length, but in the size of his girth, too. The “Natural” map shows men how to start with simple exercises and how to progress to more complicated exercises to get the absolute largest potential possible.

Most of these exercises are fairly simple and involve stretching, squeezing, and pulling on the penis. It’s not rocket science but it is nothing demeanable, either. Just because it seems so simplistic doesn’t negate its powerful effects. Some of the “special” exercises have stood the test of time. These exercises are still around because they do work. Enlarging your penis is not a joke or some form of game. It is something that is best approached from a very serious point-of-view and is best to keep it that way.

So, no… You don’t have to “Drink the Kool-Aid” to enlarge your penis. You just have to have the right map to begin and finish your journey.


Georg von Neumann

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